Thing 22 is about finding new apps that we might enjoy.
Often times how I discover apps is that a friend or colleague recommends an app. Or I think of something that I figure there might be an app for and I use the iPhone app store search feature. I also see apps mentioned via Twitter, or Facebook, or blogs, or just news articles. And then apps are often suggested by paid-vendors hoping to grab my attention.
I just now did a quick Google search "iphone apps free today only" to see what would pop up. Often times great apps are pricey and this is a way to find a great free-99 deal. A Huffington Post Tech article pointed me to the AppShopper page and I found these free deals. Here's a snip-- note the refinement tools (highlighted) available to use:
Another result offered up iOSnoops with these deals for today, June 9, 2014. Here's a snip:
I might keep this "app search engine" in mind for the future when I'm app hunting. Quixey. It looks promising & easy to use plus offers options to customize your search. Here's a snip:
Apps. What's life without lots of apps? I tend to have way too many-- many I download because they sound great and I think I'll use them. In reality I don't. So I occasionally go through and delete. Sometimes that's tough to do though because I still think I *might* yet use it. Hmm, this makes me think/wonder-- is there an app to clean up unused apps? Similar to the Windows platform when it informs you of all the unused desktop icons on your PC? Maybe I need to create an app to do this? Or hope somebody else has or will.