Friday, January 31, 2014

23 Mobile Things -- Thing 4 : Keeping up

For Thing 4 we were asked to consider this: "Do you follow a lot of news sites and blogs and find that you’re spending so much time going to many different websites? You can make it a lot easier on yourself if you take advantage of RSS feeds and apps to collect them all."

RSS Feeds
I've long since given up using RSS feeds. The last feed reader I used was FeedDemon and I have to say it's been a few years. I don't even know if it's still operational? Back in the day RSS feeds with feed readers were a great way to have information come to me. That is until it became overwhelming with too much information bombarding me and my not keeping up. That big old information monster rearing its ugly head. 

For me what replaced RSS feeds was using Twitter. I came to use Twitter because of one of the previous "Things" programs. (Flashback 2009: me on Twitter) At first I didn't buy into Twitter; I basically saw no use for it. Then I gave it an extended try and I started using Twitter mainly for professional use (keeping Facebook mainly for family & friends). 

So how does Twitter replace my RSS feeds? I follow many librarians, tech people, others in higher education, and groups or organizations -- all of these people are talking about and sharing information & topics that are of interest to me in my profession as an academic librarian interested in technology, information literacy, higher education etc. I can quickly see tweets from these people and from that determine if I need or want to read or research a topic more. The 140 character tweet is that little info bite that sums up the topic. The tweets are what is trending now so they help to keep me updated. And the bonus over RSS feeds is if I have a question I can quickly post it and get replies. And don't forget the ease of sharing with others -- either by retweeting or tweeting on my own. I have the Twitter app on my iPhone and iPad plus I use TweetDeck (I handle multiple Twitter accts) on my PC. 

flipboard Flipboard and Zite zite
I've had both apps for a long time. I liked Flipboard's format although I don't tend to use it any longer. The main reason is I have it on my iPad and for work I tend to be on my PC more than anything. Zite I've used the least. I guess I haven't really given it a chance so maybe I'll check into it some more and see what it can offer me.