Monday, May 11, 2009

Thing 47 -- Evaluation

Well, the completetion of another Things learning program! Yeah! And as with the original 23 Things on a Stick, this round of More Things on a Stick was very good -- great to keep up with the ever-changing, fast-paced techno world. And a great way to connect these tools with library uses. A great big THANK YOU to our Minnesota Multitype Library Systems for putting this together for us!

Thing 46 -- WebJunction Minnesota

I've been a member since July, 2004 -- although not a very active member. When I think about it I scan the site etc but it's just another one of those things to remember to do. I did sign up for a class once ... then got too busy (think that's when the 1st round of Things on a Stick started) and I never went back to it.

I found Linda & Jen and sent "friend" requests ... hmmm, this is too much friending ... sorry, gals, love ya both!

One thing I noticed & don't like -- I'll be ck'ing out a "MN" WJ item and when done I'll hit the "home" button thinking it will send me back to the MNWJ home but it doesn't -- it sends me to the main WJ.

Overall, just another site to remember ... feeling there's an overload of sites to remember ... and I've not really found anything earthshaking that calls me to go back ... but will keep my "membership" as I've done for 5 yrs and keep ck'n in once in awhile.

Thing 45 -- Cloud Computing

in the cloud ... yup, been there for awhile .... (although I do save to my desktop in an e-mail software package important e-mails I don't want to disappear), flickr ... hmmm, dead brain right now so can't think of others ... other than this obvious one: this blog!

I've not jumped on board with using the doc type clouds -- but think it would be great if I needed to present or had to use multiple computers such as in teaching in different classrooms.

I'm guessing that there will be more and more cloud apps in the future ... some that will stay and some that will be short-lived ... guess this can be said for regular apps too. Okay, so I'm not a great fortune teller!