Friday, February 27, 2009

Thing 26 -- Ning (again)

I join the 23 things ning back in round one. I had been one of the people to suggest/wish that the ning had been presented earlier in the 23 things format. This would have given us thingsters a better way to connect while going through the learning process. Now I'm only hoping that I'll have enough time to get through the more things let alone if I'll have time to pop into ning!

For this time around on ning I have:
~ joined a group -- "MLIS students"
~ left a comment in the above group
~ left a comment on Tami J's ning page re: her very cute profile pic!
~ updated some of my profile info
~ friended Linda Wadman (request pending!) who's also a facebook friend :0))

As for possible uses -- I've considered starting a Ning for my high school classmates as a way to connect/re-connect ... but I've not yet jumped into this yet. Facebook is our other option in the running.

Thing 25 -- blogger's toolkit

Well, I had some fun with this "thing" ... I added a ClockLink clock for "a little slice of time" :0)) and I used feevy to include post updates from the Library Landing blog.

I also tried some of the visitor counters and a map but I didn't like the way they looked on my blog. Same goes for a photo of the day and endangered creature of the day -- in both cases either the pic/display were either too large for my sidebar or too odd shaped for the basebar.

And in all honesty I skimmed over many of the items either due to not being of interest or that I've tried some of them previously along the way.