Monday, June 9, 2014

23 Mobile Things - Thing 21 : Free-for-all

Thing 21 is all about sharing our favorite app(s)!

An app that I've been using quite a bit lately is Photofy

I love the quick & easy ways to a make a photo pop with a bit of pizzazz. Lots of features that I've not checked out yet & I might never do so but you don't need to always go to that level-- it's still possible to just add an element or two and get a great looking photo.

Here are a few photos that I've done using Photofy:

^^ This one above I added a border and my own text

^^ These two above I only added borders-- as quick and simple as that!

Another favorite app of mine is SlideShark. I talked about this in this blog post.

And another app that I think I'll like (downloaded a bit ago but have yet to try) is Happify

^^ Happify explained and how to get started.

^^ A few questions so they get to know you = customize your Happify experience.

^^ And a snip of options "tracks" to try. 

So who doesn't want to be happy? Or have a chance to increase your happiness? I hope nobody says no!

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