Friday, April 4, 2008

Thing 23 -- The Grand Finale!


Whew! I'm done! So here are my final "things" ramblings in reponse to the asked questions:

- Go back to your thoughts/ideas about Library 2.0. Has anything changed as a result of this experience? -- hmmm, I try to keep up with technology but I guess not as well as I thought! Making the resolution (hopefully better than a New Year's resolution!) in Thing 22 should help with that?? I can only try!

- What were your favorite Things and discoveries? -- getting into LibraryThing; playing more with Facebook; graphic tools; reading other thingster's blogs about how they viewed the tasks; and starting/maintaining a blog!

- How did you connect with others doing the 23 Things On a Stick? -- I tried to comment on other people's blogs in areas of interest to me. I guess I succeeded in helping a fellow thingster (Darin) ... and that was rewarding!!

- Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? -- I really like the ning ... would like to see that continue as a way to connect with other thingsters.

- What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or content? -- come up with a better way for the thingsters to communicate ... as I suggested in my survey & in my Thing 21.

- If we offered a 23 More Things On a Stick program like this in the future would you participate? -- YES, definitely I'd participate!!

- How would you describe your learning experience in one word or in one sentence, so we could use your words to promote 23 Things On a Stick learning activities to others? -- Great learning tool!!!

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